2012. május 12., szombat

Lunar Eclipse - Fall Of Constantinople in 1453

It was seen during the Fall of Constantinople (the capture of the capital of the Byzantine Empire), during the siege that lasted from Thursday, 5 April 1453 until Tuesday, 29 May 1453), after which the city fell to the Ottomans. The lunar eclipse was considered to be fulfilling a prophecy for the city's demise. It is said a blood moon took place during the eclipse.

The chartweel was created by this software.


The astrological chart of the Mayan 'End of the World'
Innovative Astrology Software
Synoptical Astrology Program

2012. május 8., kedd

Famous Lunar Eclipses in History - Herod's Death

The study of the lunar eclipses is an important part of  both astronomy and astrology. I have found an appropriate tool to visualize these celestial phenomena.
Let's examine the chartwheel of the famous eclipse connected with the death of Herod.
Josephus tells us that Herod died after a lunar eclipse. He gives an account of events between this eclipse and Herod's death, and between Herod's death and Passover. A total lunar eclipse took place on March 23, 5 BCE.

"As for the other Matthias who had stirred up the sedition, he (Herod) had him burned alive along with some of his companions. And on that same night there was an eclipse of the Moon. But Herod's illness became more and more severe."  - from Flavius Josephus
